Advantages of using Bing Search

Looking for more control over your campaign targeting options? Try Bing search ads out for size. I’ve found Bing search to be one of the better platforms for granular campaign targeting.

It’s a great platform for Advertisers targeting niche markets. Niche markets are specific in nature. The more granular an advertiser can target, the better.

Here are a few examples of how Bing Search gives advertisers more control:

Time Zone Settings:

I like that Bing gives advertisers the option to choose time zone settings for each campaign. Tinkering with ad scheduling can be a pain. Especially if you have just created ten campaigns all targeting different locations.

Selecting the proper time zone makes ad scheduling easy. I can choose exactly what hour I want to schedule based on a location’s time zone.



Device Targeting:

Device targeting is important. If I’m promoting a mobile app, I want to make sure that most of my clicks are coming from mobile users. On the flip side, if I want users to download a market report, I want clicks coming from desktop traffic.

In both Bing Ads and Google AdWords, Advertisers can adjust mobile bids. Where Bing offers more control is option to adjust tablet bids. More options for bid adjustments means more control over where ads are shown.


Demographic Targeting:

Demographic bid adjustments are an awesome feature for targeting niche markets. By adjusting bids for gender and age, I can focus my resources straight to my target audience. This is a great feature for reducing lost impressions and boosting click-through-rates.

Here are a few examples –

  • I want to target my ads to mothers with children under the age of ten. I can decrease the male bid and increase bids for the 25 – 49 age groups.
  • I want to target my ads to Senior Level Managers. I can increase my bids for the 35-64 age group and lower bids for users aged 18-34 population.


More Control:

For advertisers targeting niche markets, targeting control is key. More targeting options gives you the ability to pin point your audience and get the most bang for your buck. If your looking for more targeting options in your campaigns, give Bing Search a go.

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Jon Kaspszak

Jon is an avid digital marketer and works in software marketing. You can find him on LinkedIn. He would love to hear from you!

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