3 Simple Techniques for Targeting SEO Keywords in 2017

Targeting SEO keywords have changed. Search engine algorithms are smarter. Which means jamming a target keyword every which way into your content simply won’t cut it.


What’s a good strategy for targeting SEO keywords in 2017? Keep reading. Because in this post, I’ll give you three techniques that will make complete sense.

Let’s dive in.

#1 Keyword Density

Keyword density is how often you mention a target keyword in a piece of content.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you write a blog post that’s 750 words long. And in that post, you mention your target keyword 13 times. Here’s how to calculate your blog post’s keyword density:

how to target SEO Keywords Through Keyword Density

And for your example blog post, this is an ideal keyword density. I try to keep keyword density between one – two percent. This way, I know I’m staying far enough away from a keyword stuffing penalty.

And here’s another reason why to aim for the one – two percent window:

Your content will read naturally to audiences. When you jam keywords into places where it doesn’t quite make sense, it’ll stick out like a sore thumb. And instead of your visitors engaging, they’ll bounce. Which will actually hurt SEO.

Now that you have a keyword density to aim for, here’s another keyword technique to use…

#2 LSI Keywords

Search engines like Google aren’t just looking for a specific keyword anymore. They’re looking for context around a topic. A common theme. This is where LSI enters the strategy for targeting SEO keywords.

LSI stands for latent semantic indexing. And this is how search engines like Google draw relationships between terms. Here’s an example of LSI keyword targeting:

how targeting seo keywords works 2017 LSI keywords Example

You can see LSI keywords provide more context to search engines crawling your content. And using a combination of primary keyword density techniques with LSI keyword targeting will help you pique search results.

Let’s finish off with the final technique for targeting SEO keywords.

#3 Long Tail Keywords

You’ll have higher success rates targeting long-tail search queries vs. short tail queries. While long tail keywords get fewer impressions each day, you’ll achieve a higher rank for these keywords. And ranking on page one for a low volume search term is more valuable than ranking on page five for a popular keyword.

Here are a few reasons why long-tail keyword targeting is now a smarter option:

Search engine competition increases every day as sites create more content. And because competition tightens up as the days pass, you have to get more creative with how you target specific keywords. This gives you an opportunity to focus on keywords which no sites “own” yet.

And there’s also this reason:

…Search engine users no longer search for simple queries. With higher search engine use and voice search trending upwards, users now search in a more long tail format.

3 Techniques to Keep in Mind When Targeting SEO Keywords in 2017 and Beyond

So, we’ve laid out three techniques you can use to own keywords in 2017.

These techniques revolve around an important concept:

Targeting search terms is no longer one dimensional. You have to be strategic. Because sprinkling keywords throughout your content won’t cut it anymore.

So moving forward, here’s what to focus on:

  • Make sure your content reads naturally. Don’t force keywords where they don’t belong.
  • Paint a picture for search engines crawling your content. This means providing context to your topics with LSI keywords.
  • Think about how users search today. Odds are your target reader’s query is greater than three words in length. So use that to your advantage. Start focusing on highly specific topics.

Are there any other SEO keyword targeting tactics you use? Make sure to leave them in the comments below.

Jon Kaspszak

Jon is an avid digital marketer and works in software marketing. You can find him on LinkedIn. He would love to hear from you!

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