ShoutEx Digital Marketing Blog

Unlocking the Power of Content Marketing for low-ticket SaaS

Written by ShoutEx Team | Jun 29, 2024 4:36:00 AM

We know firsthand the struggles startups face when trying to stretch their marketing dollars. We’ve been there, and we’ve learned a lot along the way.

We all are looking for low-cost methods to attract new customers, especially when we have low-ticket SaaS items.

Content marketing seems like the perfect solution to drive traffic to our SaaS app.

But wait, don't make the blunders most Startups do. Avoid these at all costs: 

Don't have a scattered and unfocused approach


Through trial and error, we have discovered one of the smartest marketing strategies: aligning your content with the five levels of awareness. This strategy revolutionized our content approach for our company as well for all of our clients.

And can do the same for your startup:

The Five Levels of Awareness

Imagine you’re developing a content strategy for your new chatbot service, ChatBot. Here’s how you might structure your content at each of the five levels of awareness:


At this level, your audience doesn’t even realize they have a problem that ChatBot can solve. Your goal is to capture their attention with broad, engaging topics that subtly introduce the concepts related to your product. Consider articles like:

  • “How to Improve Customer Engagement”: Discuss general tips and strategies to enhance customer interaction.
  • “Entrepreneurship Tips for Success”: Provide valuable advice for entrepreneurs, subtly hinting at the benefits of automated customer service.

These pieces should be designed to attract a wide audience, sparking interest and curiosity.

Problem Aware

Here, your audience realizes they have a problem but doesn’t know that ChatBot is the solution. Your content should focus on addressing their specific pain points. Some effective topics might be:

  • “How to Handle Increasing Customer Inquiries Efficiently”: Highlight the challenges of managing a growing volume of customer questions and suggest the need for automated solutions.
  • “Top Tips for Enhancing Customer Support with Limited Resources”: Offer practical advice on improving customer support, hinting at automation as a viable strategy.

These articles should make your audience think, “Yes, this is exactly the problem I’m facing!”

Solution Aware

At this stage, your audience knows that solutions like chatbots exist, but they’re not familiar with ChatBot specifically. Your content should compare different solutions and showcase the advantages of using a chatbot. Consider topics such as:

  • “Top 5 Chatbot Solutions for Small Businesses”: Provide an overview of popular chatbot services, including ChatBot, and explain their benefits.
  • “Affordable Chatbot Solutions for Startups”: Focus on budget-friendly chatbot options, positioning ChatBot as a cost-effective choice.

These pieces help your audience understand their options and see the value in chatbot technology.

Product Aware

Now, your audience knows about ChatBot but needs more detailed information to make a decision. Your content should highlight the specific features and benefits of ChatBot compared to competitors. Consider articles like:

  • “ChatBot vs. Drift: Which is Right for Your Business?”: Compare ChatBot with a well-known competitor, outlining the strengths and advantages of your product.
  • “Why Choose ChatBot Over Intercom?”: Present a case for why ChatBot is the superior choice, focusing on unique features and benefits.

These articles should aim to convince your audience that ChatBot is the best solution for their needs.

Most Aware

At this level, your audience consists of industry experts and those who already have extensive knowledge about chatbots. Your content should delve into advanced topics and detailed use cases. Consider articles like:

  • “Integrating ChatBot with Your CRM System”: Provide a comprehensive guide on how to integrate ChatBot with various CRM platforms, highlighting its compatibility and ease of use.
  • “Optimizing Customer Interaction with ChatBot”: Offer in-depth strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of ChatBot in customer engagement.

These pieces should position ChatBot as a sophisticated, high-value solution for knowledgeable users.

Crafting Your Strategy

When starting, focus on content that converts. Begin with solution-aware content, as these individuals are actively searching for answers and ready to buy. As you gain traction, move into product-aware content to educate your audience further. Avoid starting with unaware content, as it takes much longer to convert and is less valuable in the early stages.

Appreciate that content marketing is a long-term game, paying off months down the line. However, once you’ve validated your product and are ready to scale, a well-structured content strategy aligned with the levels of awareness can be a powerful tool.

At ShoutEx, we work with early-stage startups looking for this level of marketing support. Reach out to us to see how we can unlock your content marketing potential together.