ShoutEx Digital Marketing Blog

HubSpot Lead Generation

Written by ShoutEx Team | Jul 6, 2024 9:44:41 PM

So, you are using HubSpot, be it for your Startup, a Scaleup or Enterprise.

The CRO is knocking on your door, the CEO wants to see results, and your CMO is going hog wild with ideas.

The main question being asked is "how do we generate leads?"

You are out of business, if you don't have a lead!

- Zig Zigler (Top Salesman/Author)

TLDR: The down low on HubSpot Lead-Generation

  • CTAs Drive: HubSpot is designed to convert, and has great Call-To-Action widgets. This is powerful and gives HubSpot its unique lead-gen advantage.
  • Hubs: The platform is designed in Hubs, with the Sales/CRM hub integrating tightly with Marketing. The coupling allows for better ROMI/ROAS.
  • Features: Explore the key features that make HubSpot so powerful. 
  • Lead-Gen Strategies: Review of different inbound marketing techniques to drive traffic to the lead-gen pages.
  • Competitors: Why is HubSpot better than competition solutions. 
  • Blogs: Stay on top of marketing and get inspired with other blogs.
  • Get Customized help: Get professional help from ShoutEx to improve your HubSpot Lead-generation campaigns. 

It’s All in the CTA, Baby!

Your website's Call-to-Actions (CTAs) are crucial in funnel marketing. These CTAs need to be seamlessly integrated into your overall HubSpot lead-generation strategy. Here’s how you can categorize your CTAs:

Top of the Funnel (TOFU): These CTAs aim for minimal commitment from visitors, like newsletter subscriptions or LinkedIn follows. Think of it as the gentle nudge to start a relationship.

Mid Funnel (MOFU): Here, you’re offering something more substantial, like lead magnets. CTAs in this stage might include downloading a whitepaper, playbook, or checklist in exchange for contact information.

Bottom Funnel (BOFU): These CTAs are clear, direct, and aimed at conversion. Examples include "Download Now," "Free Trial," or "Book a Meeting." There’s no ambiguity about the sales intent.

The lead generation process starts by finding out where your target market lives on the web

Wayne Davis, CMO at Hertz

HubSpot Hubs 

With your CTA strategy in place, HubSpot can help you implement it effortlessly, primarily through the Marketing Hub. However, other Hubs within HubSpot are also worth noting:

Marketing Hub: Provides tools for email marketing, content management, social media marketing, SEO, and lead tracking.

Sales Hub: Features sales automation, email tracking, and meeting scheduling.

Service Hub: Offers tools for customer service, feedback collection, and support.

CRM: A free tool that consolidates every interaction with your customers and prospects in one place.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant

- Robert Louis Stevenson, Author

Key Features

While it’s beneficial to explore all the Hubs, let’s focus on how the Marketing Hub can help you achieve your ROI goals.

1. Landing Pages

Landing pages are essential for converting visitors into leads. HubSpot’s landing page builder lets you create attractive, optimized pages without needing a developer. Key aspects include:

Templates: Utilize pre-designed templates optimized for conversion.

A/B Testing: Test different versions of your landing pages to identify the most effective one.

Forms: Embed forms to capture lead information directly from your landing pages, with all backend coding handled seamlessly.

2. Forms and Pop-Ups

Forms and pop-ups are vital for collecting lead information. HubSpot's form builder enables you to create custom forms and pop-ups effortlessly. Features include:

Drag-and-Drop Builder: Create forms without any coding knowledge.

Progressive Profiling: Gradually gather more information from repeat visitors to avoid overwhelming them.

Smart Forms: Display different forms to different visitors based on their behavior and data.

These forms can be linked to other workflows on HubSpot, allowing you to create simple yet effective workflows that guide leads through your funnel, especially useful for high-ticket items with lengthy sales cycles.

3. Email Marketing

HubSpot's email marketing capabilities are robust not just because of their feature set but due to the integrated view they provide of visitor interactions across your site, messages, and offers. This holistic view allows you to track how many touches are needed to move users through your funnel. Features include:

Personalization: Tailor emails with the recipient's name, company, and other details.

Automation: Set up automated email sequences to nurture leads based on their actions and behavior.

Analytics: Monitor email performance to see which campaigns are most effective.

4. Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a powerful HubSpot feature that helps prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. Criteria can be set based on:

Demographic Information: Age, job title, company size, etc.

Behavioral Data: Website visits, email opens, clicks, etc.

Engagement: Interaction with your content, responses to emails, etc.

5. CRM Integration

HubSpot’s CRM integrates seamlessly with its marketing and sales tools, offering a unified view of your prospects and customers. This bird’s-eye view of the funnel is invaluable for both sales and marketing teams. Key features include:

Centralized Data: All prospect information in one place, simplifying management and tracking.

Activity Tracking: Monitor every interaction a prospect has with your business.

Task Management: Set reminders and tasks to follow up with prospects at the right time.

We do a lot of one-night stands in lead generation and not enough long-term relationships

Mike King - Founder @ iPullRank

Effective Strategies for 

With your workflows, forms, and lead magnets set up, how do you promote your pages? Here are some strategies to maximize your lead generation efforts:

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is the backbone of inbound marketing. By creating valuable, relevant content, you can attract and engage your target audience. Use HubSpot to:

Blogging: Regularly publish SEO-optimized content with HubSpot's blogging tools. Share insights, tips, and valuable information addressing your audience's pain points.

Content Offers: Provide gated content like eBooks, whitepapers, and guides in exchange for contact information.

Content Promotion: Promote your content through email marketing, social media, and other channels to reach a broader audience.

2. SEO and Paid Advertising

SEO and paid advertising are crucial for driving traffic to your website and landing pages. HubSpot assists with both:

SEO Optimization: Utilize HubSpot's SEO recommendations to optimize your website and content.

Paid Ads: Integrate your Google Ads and social media advertising accounts with HubSpot to manage campaigns from a single platform.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful channel for reaching and engaging potential leads. HubSpot's social media tools allow you to:

Schedule Posts: Plan and schedule your social media posts in advance.

Monitor Engagement: Track interactions and engagement with your social media content.

Social Listening: Monitor conversations and mentions of your brand to identify potential prospects.

4. Webinars and Events

Webinars and events are effective for generating leads and showcasing your expertise. HubSpot helps you manage these activities with:

Registration Forms: Collect attendee information with custom registration forms.

Email Invitations: Send automated email invitations and reminders.

Follow-Up: Use HubSpot to follow up with attendees and nurture them through email sequences.

5. Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing involves building relationships with potential customers and guiding them through the buyer's journey. HubSpot’s automation tools make this process efficient:

Workflows: Create automated workflows to send personalized emails based on prospect behavior and interests.

Segmentation: Segment your leads based on characteristics and behavior to send targeted content.

Drip Campaigns: Set up drip campaigns to nurture leads over time with relevant content.

Make a customer, not a sale!

Katherine Barchetti, The Retail Success Story

Why HubSpot is better than it's competition?

HubSpot Lead Generation stands out for several reasons, making it a go-to choice for many businesses. The top 7 that pop to mind are below:

  1. All-in-One Platform: HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of tools for marketing, sales, and customer service. This all-in-one approach means you can manage everything from email marketing to SEO and CRM integration in one place​.
  2. Ease of Use: With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, HubSpot allows users of all skill levels to quickly get up to speed, reducing the learning curve and enabling faster implementation of lead generation strategies​.

  3. Seamless CRM Integration: HubSpot's CRM integrates deeply with its marketing tools, providing a unified view of customer interactions and enabling effective lead tracking and personalized communication​​.

  4. Strong Analytics: HubSpot’s robust analytics and reporting tools give you valuable insights into lead behavior and campaign performance, helping optimize strategies and improve ROI​.

  5. Marketing Automation: The platform’s automation features streamline repetitive tasks, segment leads, and maintain personalized workflows, enhancing efficiency and ensuring consistent communication​.

  6. Content and SEO Excellence: HubSpot provides powerful content management and SEO tools that attract organic traffic and generate high-quality leads by helping create relevant, optimized content​.

  7. Educational Resources: HubSpot Academy offers extensive resources, including courses and certifications, to help users maximize the platform’s potential. Coupled with strong customer support, users can overcome challenges and refine their strategies​.

These features collectively position HubSpot as a superior choice for businesses aiming to enhance their lead generation efforts effectively. 

Best Practices

Now that you are more convinced about moving ahead with HubSpot for your lead-gen, it's time to think about implementing some best practices. Consider the following:

1. Align Marketing and Sales

Ensure your marketing and sales teams are aligned and working towards common goals. Use HubSpot's tools to facilitate communication and collaboration between these teams.

2. Regularly Update Your Content

Keep your content fresh and relevant by regularly updating your blog, landing pages, and offers. Monitor performance and make adjustments as needed to improve results.

3. Optimize for Mobile

With more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure your website, emails, and forms are mobile-friendly.

4. Track and Analyze Data

Use HubSpot's analytics tools to track the performance of your lead generation efforts. Analyze the data to identify what’s working and what needs improvement.

5. Test and Iterate

Continuously test different elements of your lead generation strategy, such as landing pages, email content, and CTAs. Use A/B testing to identify the most effective approaches and iterate based on the results.

Get Inspired with HubSpot 

Need more inspiration? Then check out the top five blogs for lead generation that provide valuable insights, strategies, and tips for attracting and converting leads effectively:

  1. Close: This blog offers practical lead generation ideas and strategies, including the use of books, eBooks, and podcasts to engage potential prospects and build meaningful relationships​ (Close CRM)​.

  2. DigitalMarketer: Known for its comprehensive marketing strategies, this blog covers various lead generation tactics such as email marketing, SEO, and social media campaigns to help businesses attract and convert prospects​ (DigitalMarketer)​.

  3. Visme: Visme’s blog provides a detailed guide on lead generation, emphasizing the creation of SEO-optimized content, webinars, and personalized marketing materials to capture and nurture leads​ (Visme)​.

  4. Brafton: This blog focuses on organic lead generation techniques, including the use of video content, interactive elements, and infographics to engage and attract potential prospects​ (Brafton)​.

  5. GUVI Blogs: GUVI offers insights into effective lead generation strategies like SEO, lead magnets, referral programs, and retargeting campaigns, illustrated with real-life industry examples​ (Guvi)​.

How We Can Help with HubSpot Lead Generation

There’s no doubt that HubSpot is a powerful platform for generating leads and driving business growth. By leveraging its comprehensive suite of tools and following best practices, you can create a robust lead generation strategy that attracts, engages, and converts your target audience.

This is why we work with a variety of startups and enterprise clients on HubSpot integration and marketing. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, talk to us about how you can use HubSpot to improve your lead generation efforts. Let’s turn those prospects into loyal customers together! Reach out for a chat.