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HubSpot Marketing Audit

Get your HubSpot Marketing consultation with our award winning team.
  • Messaging and UX
  • CRM Integration
  • Automation & Workflow
  • Campaign Effectiveness

Who is the Audit for?

Marketing Teams at Startups

The HubSpot marketing audit is ideal for CMO's and marketing directors at Startups and SMBs.  The audit helps identify gaps between marketing and sales, optimize ad, social, and content campaigns, and ensure data integrity. By leveraging our team's expert insights, you can enhance lead generation, improve customer engagement, and drive business growth, all while saving time and resources. Our audit is a valuable tool for refining their marketing efforts and achieving their business goals.

A closer review of your HubSpot Marketing

We audit your HubSpot marketing efforts to analyze what's working well and what needs to improve.
Messaging & UX HubSpot Marketing

Messaging & UX

Messaging and UX are examined by assessing content clarity, consistency, and alignment with brand voice. User experience evaluation focuses on website navigation, design responsiveness, and conversion paths. 

CRM Integration for HubSpot Marketing

CRM Integration

Data synchronization, lead management efficiency, and seamless workflow automation is evaluated, ensuring Sales and Marketing efforts are aligned and tracked properly.  

Automation and Workflow for HubSpot Marketing

Automation and Workflow

These are examined by assessing the setup of campaigns, evaluating trigger accuracy, examining workflow logic, and identifying any bottlenecks or gaps. 

Campaign Effectiveness in HubSpot Marketing

Campaign Effectiveness

KPIs are analyzed and compared with industry norms. This involves assessing the performance of marketing assets, tracking customer journey paths, and evaluating ROI.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary purpose of a ShoutEx HubSpot Marketing audit?

The primary purpose is to evaluate and optimize your HubSpot Marketing setup, ensuring your messaging, UX, CRM integration, automation, workflows, and campaign tracking are effective and aligned with your business goals.

How will the audit review my current messaging and UX?

We will assess your HubSpot marketing content, website design, and user experience to ensure your messaging is clear, compelling, and aligned with your brand. This includes evaluating website navigation, page load times, and overall user journey.

What aspects of CRM integration will be examined?

The audit will review how well your HubSpot CRM is integrated with your marketing efforts. This includes checking data synchronization, lead capturing processes, segmentation accuracy, and ensuring that all customer interactions are being tracked effectively.

What will the audit cover in terms of automation and workflows?

We will evaluate your current automation rules and workflows to ensure they are optimized for lead nurturing, customer engagement, and operational efficiency. This includes reviewing email sequences, lead scoring, and task automation processes.

How is the effectiveness of marketing campaigns measured during the HubSpot Marketing audit?

Campaign effectiveness is measured by analyzing key metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, engagement levels, and ROI. We will assess the performance of different marketing channels and assets to identify areas for improvement.

What benefits can I expect from the audit?

The audit aims to enhance your overall marketing performance by providing actionable insights and recommendations. This can lead to improved lead generation, better customer engagement, more efficient workflows, and a higher ROI on your marketing efforts.

How long does the HubSpot Marketing audit process take?

The duration of the audit can vary depending on the complexity of your HubSpot setup and the specific areas being reviewed. Typically, it takes between two weeks to deliver a thorough audit.

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Marketing that wins Awards!

ShoutEx isn't like any other digital marketing agencies - they go above and beyond what is required. ShoutEx delivered on their promise and gave us real results.


Els Baert
Director of Marketing - NetComm Wireless

A clean, professional brand refresh and new design

Shoutex provided the Telecoms Industry Dialogue with fast and exceptional quality brand services and Web site design.


Christine Diamente
TID Chair and Alcatel-Lucent

Website and Web app UX

ShoutEx delivered amazing design services and helped improve the user experience of our web application.


Slaven Vlacic
Senior IT Manager, NJI

Lead Magnets Galore

Fast execution with high quality web marketing.


Damien Rame
Head of Marketing, Vircom

Marketing Creativity on demand

ShoutEx shows great marketing creativity and insight


Victor Cruz
Founder at MediaPR

Marketing deliver and execution

A knack for taking core messaging and making it actionable. Solid execution


Scott Anzel
CEO - MDConnectME

Enterprise Level Marketing

Took us to another level in digital promotion and search engine marketing.


Heather Ritchie
VP Marketing, Nokia

Digital Marketing for MicroERP

They grasped our brand and created a rich animated message with a strong call-to-action


James Casserly
CEO - ManuOnline

Kickstarting SaaS signups

Creative lead-generation combined with impressive results.


Ari Pekka Salovara
CEO - Severa