MVP Apps

Web and Mobile Development

We develop scalable, responsive and user-friendly MVP applications for startups.













Mobile Development



Product Launch



Our winning formula

Code Refinement

We develop product ideas and rigorously test them for business and market viability.


Coding & Development

Our engineers refine concepts and convert them into beautiful code for web and mobile deployment.

Testing and QA

Our intense quality assurance and testing delivers code that is ready to be deployed as Software-as-a-Service or available for download on the Appstore.


MVP Launch

By focusing on the essentials, we help create a minimal viable product for a successful launch in the market.

The web is our business


Visual Design and UX

We create visual identities and intuitive UI to deliver beautiful user experiences.

Go to Market

Maximize growth with targeted Product Market Fit and GTM strategies

Code & Development

Code MVP, refresh the website and develop mobile apps

CMO & Advisor

Get C-Level marketing and Startup business advice

How we make MVPs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a MVP?

MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a popular concept in the startup world. Our approach to MVP involves creating a basic version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early users and gather feedback. The focus is on rapid development and iteration, prioritizing core functionalities while deferring non-essential features. We work with our clients to develop MVPs to validate and refine their product based on real-world usage. By keeping the codebase lean and flexible, MVP enables faster time-to-market and reduces the risk of building unnecessary or overly complex features.

What is your Tech Stack?

Our expertise lies in PHP and Python on AWS for backend development, with NodeJS and React for front-end. For mobile development, we adopt a versatile approach, crafting native iOS or Android apps for optimal performance. Alternatively, Flutter and Unity offer cross-platform and gaming engine advantages. 

How do you manage projects?

Through regular client communication and agile methodologies, we ensure transparency, efficiency, and alignment with client goals. Utilizing tools like Scrum boards and sprint planning, they prioritize tasks, track progress, and adapt to evolving requirements swiftly. With a dedicated project manager facilitating collaboration between teams, ShoutEx delivers on time and within budget, fostering trust and satisfaction with every milestone achieved.

What is your QA process?

We implement a robust QA process for clients, blending automated testing with manual testing. Leveraging a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, along with meticulous manual inspection, ensures the reliability and usability of our MVP code. With continuous integration and deployment, ShoutEx maintains a rapid feedback loop, delivering high-quality solutions that meet client expectations and drive success in the dynamic tech landscape.

How do you handle support?

ShoutEx is committed to providing exceptional customer support and service for the MVP code we develop. With a dedicated support team, clients receive prompt assistance and troubleshooting for any issues that arise post-launch. Regular communication channels, including email, chat, and phone support, ensure that clients' concerns are addressed efficiently. 

Can you connect us with a CTO?

Given our close collaboration with clients, we occasionally offer interim CTO services until a suitable technical co-founder is secured. Utilizing our extensive startup network, we connect you with seasoned IT professionals who not only provide the technical vision essential for your startup but also align with your company's culture seamlessly.

Do you provide startup advice?

Yes, we can serve as your trusted startup advisor, guiding new ventures through every stage of their journey. From honing in on the essentials to building cohesive teams, refining MVPs, and achieving product-market fit, we offer comprehensive support. Additionally, we facilitate connections with angel investors, venture capitalists, and grant opportunities to secure crucial funding.

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