Design & UX

Visual Design and User Experience

We create visual identities and intuitive UI to deliver beautiful user experiences.

Logo Design


Visual Identity




User Experience



User Interface






Our winning formula

Discovery Workshop

Through an exploratory workshop, we identify favorable visual elements and preferences. Working within our clients specs, we define the challenges to improve the visual and user experience.



We rely on analytics, interviews and usability testing to develop user flows and empathy maps. Using this data we create simplified mockups that allow users to perform essential tasks with ease.

Feedback and Adjustments

Through an iterative process, we finesse the draft version of the designs and work with the client to come to a final cut.


High Fidelity Assets

We meticulously refine all the details and create a beautiful high-fidelity asset for delivery to the client.

The web is our business


Visual Design and UX

We create visual identities and intuitive UI to deliver beautiful user experiences.

Go to Market

Maximize growth with targeted Product Market Fit and GTM strategies

Code & Development

Code MVP, refresh the website and develop mobile apps

CMO & Advisor

Get C-Level marketing and Startup business advice

How we make MVPs

Frequently Asked Questions

What goes into brand development?

We craft bespoke brand development strategies for startups, igniting their journey with purposeful identity creation, compelling storytelling, and impactful visual design. Leveraging market insights and innovative techniques, we carve unique brand narratives that resonate with audiences, establishing trust and differentiation in competitive landscapes. Through meticulous brand positioning, messaging, and identity design, ShoutEx empowers startups to build strong, memorable brands that drive loyalty, credibility, and sustainable growth in today's dynamic marketplace.

How do you incorporate UX?

UX is pivotal for startup MVP design as it shapes initial user impressions, drives engagement, and informs iterative improvements. ShoutEx integrates UX expertise into MVP development, ensuring intuitive interfaces, seamless navigation, and meaningful user interactions. By prioritizing user needs and feedback, we optimize MVPs for maximum usability and market validation, laying a solid foundation for future growth and product success.

What is iterative design?

ShoutEx embraces the iterative design process, continuously refining and enhancing products through rapid prototyping, user testing, and feedback integration. Our agile approach ensures constant evolution and improvement, delivering solutions that align perfectly with user needs and business objectives, ultimately driving innovation and sustained success.

What factors influence UI?

We excel in UI development by considering factors like user preferences, brand identity, platform requirements, and industry standards. Our team meticulously crafts intuitive interfaces, focusing on usability, accessibility, and visual appeal to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. By blending creativity with technical expertise, we deliver UI solutions that elevate user experiences and drive business growth.

Do you provide startup advice?

Yes, we can serve as your trusted startup advisor, guiding new ventures through every stage of their journey. From honing in on the essentials to building cohesive teams, refining MVPs, and achieving product-market fit, we offer comprehensive support. Additionally, we facilitate connections with angel investors, venture capitalists, and grant opportunities to secure crucial funding.

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