ShoutEx Digital Marketing Blog

5 Keywords Best Practices for SaaS Startups

Written by ShoutEx Team | Aug 4, 2024 7:18:00 PM

Keywords are the bread and butter of Google Ads. So it makes sense to use keywords best practices across all your accounts.

If you don’t, you may not maximize your marketing ROI. Meaning your SaaS loses out. 

Instead, leave your competitors out in the dust and try these time-tested techniques.

Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about 'get the targeted and relevant traffic'

Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG

TLDR: Keyword Best Practices for SaaS Startups

Keywords are essential for Google search advertising. Using best practices ensures you maximize your marketing ROI. Without them, your business may suffer. To succeed, implement time-tested techniques and strategies.
  1. Align Keywords with Business Goals: Tailor keywords to specific campaign objectives—brand awareness, demand generation, or lead generation. Use content type as a qualifier (e.g., "CRM Software Infographic").

  2. Use Keyword Match Types: Utilize Google's match types—broad, broad match modifier, phrase, and exact—to control search variations and optimize ad spend.

  3. Segment Keywords: Organize keywords into lists based on campaign objectives. This helps identify high-value keywords to focus on.

  4. Filter Out Unwanted Keywords: Implement negative keywords to prevent ads from showing for irrelevant searches, saving ad spend.

  5. Find New Keywords: Use Google Keyword Planner to discover and evaluate new keywords based on search volume, competition, and suggested bids.

Bonus Tip: Leverage Google Ads "Search Terms" to identify new keywords and exclude low-quality traffic.

5 Keywords Best Practices

Here are five best practices you should use when it comes to your keywords (plus a bonus tip).

#1 Align Keywords with SaaS Goals

What are you trying to accomplish in your search campaign?

Different campaigns have different objectives. And your keywords need to reflect these goals.

Let’s break your SaaS goals down into three categories:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Demand Generation
  • Lead Generation

If your SaaS goal is to build awareness, you’ll advertise content to get your brand out there. Maybe content like an infographic.

Use the type of content you’re promoting as a qualifier. This means attaching keywords to your product or service that satisfies the searcher and your objectives.

For example, attaching the keyword “infographic” to variations of your product or service, e.g.

  • CRM Software Infographic
  • Customer Experience Management Infographic

Do the same for your demand gen and lead gen campaigns.

Align keywords with your SaaS goals using the right qualifiers.

#2 Use Keyword Match Types

The power of keyword match types couldn’t be more understated.

A match type is what triggers your ads to show for different search variations. Depending on your industry, product, or service, this can make or break your search campaigns.

Here’s a breakdown of Google’s different keyword match types:

Above is a basic breakdown of Google’s keyword match types. But let’s dive a bit deeper into each category.

  • Broad match keywords are good for catch-all search queries. Google uses its algorithms to match a related user search with your target keyword. If your target keyword is in the vicinity of the user search, Google may choose to display your ad.
  • Broad match modifier lets you control search variation. The modifier tells  Google Ads you want to see certain keywords present in a query.
  • Phrase match tightens the leash quite a bit. Now you’re telling Google Ads you want to see certain keywords in a certain order. But there can be other keywords in a query before or after.
  • Exact match is as tight as you can go. This means you only want people searching for specific keywords and nothing else.

Moving down the matching options means tighter control. It also means less traffic. Too broad and you could blow your ad spend quickly with nothing to show for it. Too tight and your ads may not see the light of day.

Test matching options to see what give the best results.

#3 Segment Keywords

Now you’ve learned how to use matching options like a seasoned vet. It’s time to start building keyword lists.

Segmenting your keywords is the foundation of an organized search campaign. It helps you understand what keywords bring value. And as your campaigns progress you can focus more of your time and spend on certain keywords that work for your SaaS.

Here’s how to do it.

In the example above, you can see how I segment keywords. I have three search campaigns. Each with their own objectives.

In each campaign, I have ad groups. This is where I segment keywords.

In Campaign Two I have three ad groups. The first ad group I’ve labeled “Old Keywords”. This could have been the keyword lists I started out with. I then use two ad groups to segment “CRM” and “customer relationship management” keywords.

Over time I’ll see which keyword segment provides higher value for my SaaS. This means more effort and ad spend going towards these keywords.

#4 Filter Out Unwanted Keywords

Filtering unwanted keywords means my ads won’t show when someone uses a certain keyword.

To filter out unwanted keywords, use negative keyword targeting.

A negative keyword blocks a user from seeing your ad if the negative keyword is present in their query. It works like this.

You’re a CRM software company and target CRM as a keyword. For your SaaS, CRM means Customer Relationship Management. But for searchers, CRM could be something totally different.

For the search query above, you wouldn’t want your ad to show. This searcher has no interest in CRM products. Yet the searcher may click your ad because it shows first above other results.

And what happens when they land on your page? They bounce right away. Leaving you with nothing but less daily ad spend to work with.

This is why negative keywords benefit you.

Negative keywords can save your Google Ads account from the wrong users clicking on your ads. This saves ad dollars which you can spend on quality visitors interested in your products or services.

Every campaign can use negative keywords. Make sure yours does too.

#5 Find New Keywords

Always be on the hunt for new keywords to keep your Google Ads account ahead of the curve.

When you spot new keywords, run them through the Google Keyword Planner. This gives you an idea if the new keywords are worth targeting or not.

When you enter keywords into the keyword planner you’ll get important search data like:

  • Average Monthly Searches – The average number of searches for the keyword and its close variants.
  • Competition – The number of advertisers that show on each keyword relative to all keywords across Google.
  • Suggested Bid – Google calculates suggested bid by looking at the costs-per-click that advertisers are paying for a keyword.

You’ll also see if search volume for new keywords is on the rise. What you want to see here are search volumes increasing monthly, with low competition and bids. That’s a keyword win.

#6 Bonus Tip for SaaS

I also wanted to share a keywords best practices bonus tip you can use to run a tight keyword-targeting ship.

Take advantage of Google Ads “Search Terms”. Search Terms shows you what users search for before clicking your ads. This can let you in on new keywords and also block out keywords resulting in low-quality traffic.

This should be your go-to tab when checking keyword performance. Sure, check your ad groups and see which targeted keywords are getting the best click-through-rates and conversions. But this tab shows you exactly what users search for before that click or conversion.

Stay on top of your keywords by keeping tabs on user search terms.

Run SaaS Ads like a pro

You now know the keywords best practices to run your Google Ads accounts like a pro.

These best practices are for on-going management – they’re not one-and-done techniques. As you continue to use these techniques, you’ll become sharper and know which ones you need to use at what times.

If you need additional help, reach out to our team for a review of your Google Ads.