ShoutEx Digital Marketing Blog

SaaS Google Ads Strategy

Written by ShoutEx Team | Aug 1, 2024 5:03:11 AM

In today's blog post, we'll dive into crafting an effective Google Ads strategy for SaaS Startups. Our goal will be to create a strategic campaign that focuses on driving demo sign-ups, a common objective among B2B SaaS products.

SaaS Google Ads: Understanding Goals

Before diving into the campaign specifics, it's crucial to understand the business goal.

For most SaaS Startups, the primary objective is to attract B2B clients interested in their software. This typically means a Call-To-Action that results in a demo. These demos are essential for nurturing leads and converting them into customers.

Assessing Search Volume for SaaS keywords in Google Ads

To ensure our Google Ads strategy is effective, we need to confirm there's sufficient search volume for relevant keywords. So first, we use Google's Keyword Planner to confirm whether we have significant search volumes for terms that make sense for the SaaS Startup. These insights help us understand the demand and refine our keyword targeting.

Crafting the Google Ads Campaign Plan for SaaS 

With the research done, we can start to setup a Google Ads campaign using the following setup and budget allocation.

1. Brand Search Campaign

Objective: Capture traffic from users searching for the brand.

  • Keywords: Brand-specific keywords
  • Daily Budget: $250
  • Bid Strategy: Manual CPC (to control costs)
  • Goal: Protect brand searches and drive conversions

2. Inbound Search Campaigns

Objective: Capture traffic from users searching for non-brand, industry-specific terms.

  • Keywords:  Key Features of the SaaS or the Business pains it addresses
  • Daily Budget: $500
  • Bid Strategy: Maximize clicks with bid caps
  • Goal: Drive demo sign-ups

3. Display Remarketing Campaign

Objective: Re-engage visitors who have not converted.

  • Targeting: Non-converters
  • Daily Budget: $250
  • Bid Strategy: Maximize conversions
  • Goal: Increase conversions from previous visitors

4. Video Campaigns

Objective: Use video content to attract and convert potential clients.

  • Types:
    • Video Remarketing: Target non-converters, video viewers, and channel subscribers
    • Video Conversion: Target competitor channels and custom audiences
  • Daily Budget: $150 per campaign
  • Bid Strategy: Maximize conversions
  • Goal: Drive demo sign-ups through engaging video content

5. Dynamic Search Ads Campaign

Objective: Automatically target relevant searches not covered by other campaigns.

  • Targeting: Homepage and key solution pages
  • Daily Budget: $150
  • Bid Strategy: Maximize conversions
  • Goal: Drive demo sign-ups through automated targeting

Pitfalls to Avoid in SaaS Google Ads

Running Google Ads for a B2B SaaS can be a rewarding, but it’s essential to steer clear of common pitfalls to maximize ROI.

  1. Broad Keywords: Avoid overly broad keywords. They attract irrelevant traffic and waste your budget. Instead, use long-tail keywords specific to your niche.
  2. Ignoring Negative Keywords: Not using negative keywords can drain your budget. Identify and exclude terms that don’t align with your target audience.
  3. Poor Ad Copy: Generic ad copy fails to attract the right audience. Craft compelling, targeted messages that speak directly to your potential customers’ pain points and solutions.
  4. Skipping Landing Page Optimization: Driving traffic to an unoptimized landing page leads to high bounce rates. Ensure your landing pages are user-friendly and designed to convert visitors into leads.
  5. Not Tracking Conversions: Without proper conversion tracking, you can’t measure the success of your campaigns. Set up and monitor conversion tracking to gauge performance accurately.
  6. Ignoring Mobile Users: A significant amount of traffic comes from mobile devices. Ensure your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly to capture this audience.

Should You Also Use Bing Ads for SaaS?

Yes, using Bing Ads can effectively supplement your SaaS Google Ads strategy. While Google dominates the search market, Bing still holds a significant share, especially among professional and older demographics. Bing Ads often have lower CPCs, leading to a better ROI. Additionally, Bing Ads integrate with LinkedIn targeting, allowing for more precise B2B marketing. By diversifying your ad platforms, you can reach a broader audience and reduce dependency on a single source. For a well-rounded advertising strategy, incorporating Bing Ads alongside Google Ads is a smart move.

Kickstarting your SaaS Google Ads

Crafting a Google Ads strategy for a SaaS company involves understanding the business goals, assessing search volumes, and creating targeted campaigns. By focusing on both brand and non-brand keywords, leveraging video content, and using dynamic search ads, SaaS Startups can effectively drive demo sign-ups and nurture leads.

If you're a SaaS company looking to optimize your Google Ads strategy, reach out to ShoutEx for expert assistance.