Case Study


GTM | Beta Launch | Startup
case-study  Beta MVP Mobile iOS Product Market Fit

Beta Users

months of Data

Acres covered

Project Overview

LawnGo is a mobile app designed for the average homeowner interested in maintaining and caring for their lawn. The app provides users with tips, schedules, and tools to keep their lawns healthy and vibrant.

ShoutEx has been entrusted with the ideation and development of LawnGo, from conceptualization to the creation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Beta testing. This involves designing the app's user interface, developing core functionalities, and ensuring a seamless user experience. The goal is to gather valuable user feedback during the Beta phase, enabling refinements and improvements before the official launch.

ShoutEx Methodology

In close collaboration with the client, ShoutEx developed a ROI-driven marketing strategy to drive high conversion-rates for the free trials.


The Solution

ShoutEx conducted interviews with dozens of potential users in Southern Ontario to understand the needs of homeowners with lawns. By gaining insights into their market needs, ShoutEx developed the app's requirements based on a specific use case.

These requirements were documented in an Application Design Document, which prioritized essential features and included simplified mockups of the screens. ShoutEx also integrated the OpenWeather API to gather localized weather reports, providing accurate metrics on temperature, rainfall, and heat pressure based on the user's location.

Through this comprehensive approach, ShoutEx successfully created an iOS app on TestFlight for beta testing.

 Helps me keep my grass looking green.

mvp-product-market-fit-beta-user-tester-lawn-app-ios-go-to-marketBeta Tester on TestFlight
Toronto, ON

The Results

The MVP product has been a success, with over 200 beta users signed up to test their cool-season grass around Southern Ontario. The app utilizes live weather data to provide beta testers with precise advice on lawn care. The program operates exclusively during the growing season, from April to October. Impressively, we have achieved an 80% return rate for beta users each year. This high retention rate highlights the app's effectiveness and the value it offers to homeowners in maintaining their lawns.

  • 200 beta testers on TestFlight

  • 26 months of grass data

  • 12 acres of lawn data in LawnGo

Logo  Beta MVP Mobile iOS Product Market Fit

Experience Highlights

  • Audience Targeting
  • Message Development
  • Lead Generation
  • Google Search Advertising
  • Google Display Advertising
  • Microsite UX
  • WordPress Development
  • Conversion Rate Optimization