Case Study

Motive CX

Brand Awareness | YouTube Promotion | Lead Magnet
Generate demand using Lead Magnets for CX solution

Unique visitors


Webinar registrants

$ K


Project Overview

Motive delivers cutting-edge customer experience management solutions for service providers. To introduce their new product offering and build awareness, they developed a series of thematic videos. They enlisted ShoutEx to enhance visibility and engagement by promoting these videos across various social media platforms.


ShoutEx Methodology

ShoutEx collaborated closely with the client to devise a robust promotional strategy aimed at maximizing the reach and impact of their video series. The strategy encompassed multiple channels, including Google AdWords for keyword-targeted advertising, YouTube promotions to boost video visibility, Twitter sponsored tweets to engage with a broader audience, and Facebook ads tailored to specific demographics. By leveraging these diverse platforms, ShoutEx ensured that the videos reached the intended audience, generating increased awareness and engagement for the client’s new product offering in the customer experience management space.

The Solution

We chose the Google Display Network for its expansive reach and precise targeting capabilities. With a global audience, GDN allowed for tailored messaging across diverse demographics and regions.



We enhanced the campaign with targeted Twitter promotions, engaging key thought leaders. This strategy effectively drove traffic to two types of lead magnet pages: one for webinar registrations and another for whitepaper downloads. The focused approach ensured optimal audience reach and engagement, contributing to the overall success of the campaign.



The Results

We achieved over 100,000 YouTube views from a highly targeted audience, significantly boosting engagement. Additionally, we drove thousands of returning users to the Motive website, resulting in a notable increase in collateral downloads and a surge in webinar registrations. This comprehensive promotional effort not only enhanced brand visibility but also successfully converted interest into actionable leads, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategic approach in driving customer engagement and business growth for Motive.
  • 100,000+ visitors to the site

  • 500+ webinar registrations 


Logo for Generate demand using Lead Magnets for CX solution

Experience Highlights

  • Audience targeting
  • Message development
  • Lead Magnets
  • Social Media Promotions
  • YouTube Advertising
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Updates
  • Sponsored Tweets
  • Google Display Advertising