Case Study


SaaS | Branding | Product Market Fit
SaaS MVP and Product Market Fit for Home Services/Construction

Lift in Signups


CAC Reduction


Drop in Churn rate

Project Overview

HomeComing is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application tailored specifically to streamline the appointment-setting process for home service providers. Whether it's plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, or any other home-related service, HomeComing aimed to simplify the scheduling aspect of these businesses.

The idea of HomeComing originated from BlackTar Group from Ottawa. The BlackTar Group of companies are heavily involved in the construction business. The group was in the ideation process and wanted to develop a MVP website for its SaaS offering. They turned to ShoutEx to help address this need.

ShoutEx Methodology

ShoutEx approached the project with a user-centric mindset, understanding that the success of HomeComing's brand and website hinged on their ability to resonate with the target market, effectively communicate the value proposition, and provide an engaging and visually appealing user experience.

By addressing these goals, ShoutEx helped HomeComing establish a strong brand presence, capture users' attention, and drive engagement and conversion on the website.

Persona development for Home services/Blue collar mobile MVP app
Brand value development of MVP mobile app for construction/home services industry

The Solution

Since the SaaS product was a high-ticket item, a free trial offer wouldn't appeal as much to the target user. Instead, a request for a demo was better aligned with the expectation of the user. 

To promote the offer, we crafted an elaborate Google Search and Display campaign. The Google campaign was further leveraged with sponsored updates on social media networks. Aggressive targeting to the right persona delivered extremely high Click-Through- Rates.

Brand guide development for blue collar mobile app for home construction industry
Brand colour guide for MVP mobile iOS app for home construction industry

The Results

Through continuous tracking and monitoring, ShoutEx optimized the landing page. This included tweaks to messaging and usability to produce an extremely successful SaaS campaign.

  • 31% lift in user sign ups

  • 14% reduction in CAC

  • 6% drop in churn rate

Logo of mobile app for home services/construction used for MVP/Product Market Fit

Experience Highlights

  • Message Development
  • Creative Campaigning
  • Lead Generation
  • Google Search Advertising
  • Google Display Advertising
  • Microsite UX
  • WordPress Development
  • Conversion Rate Optimization