Case Study


iOS Development | UX | Branding
 MVP and Product market fit for  iOS mobile app development

Review score



Streamed video hours

Project Overview

The Kernel Browser is a beautiful app that lets users browse their favorite blogs, news sites, TV shows and other websites – all from one place.

ShoutEx Methodology

ShoutEx developed concepts for the MVP product by capturing the essential features that users wanted. This was through intense industry research, review of alternative available apps, and holding a small focus group.



The Solution

ShoutEx developed the Kernel app to provide a seamless interface to streamed content that was available on disparate apps and websites.

Our goal was to combine a beautiful UX with an unconstrained access to content that would set the Kernel app apart from other browser apps such as Netflix and YouTube.


The Results

Through on-going design, development and testing, our team created an app that delivers premium streaming content which the user can easily personalize and watch on their iPad screens.

  • 4.2 received an average review score on the App Store

  • 5,000+ global installs of the app

  • 145,000 hours of streamed video

Logo of MVP and Product market fit for  iOS mobile app development

Experience Highlights

  • Brand development
  • User experience design
  • Wire framing
  • Mobile market research
  • Product management
  • iOS development
  • Product launch