Case Study


SaaS | MVP | Exit
SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

New users per month


Lead Magnet Downloads


Avg Bounce Rate

Project Overview

Pagezii is a Software-as-a-Service application designed for web marketing professionals to help optimize Google Ads, SEO and Social media promotions.

Our task was to develop the PageZii product from the ground up, including ideation, product development and market launch.

ShoutEx Methodology

We delved deeply into the business case for PageZii, employing brainstorming workshops to craft comprehensive concept maps. These sessions were pivotal, fostering creativity and aligning our vision with market needs. Through collaborative ideation, we synthesized ideas, laying the groundwork for PageZii's development journey.


Mindmap of SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

Having honed our grasp of the product, we transitioned to crafting wireframes illustrating typical user journeys within the application. These wireframes served as a blueprint, mapping out the navigation and functionality with precision. By visualizing user flows early on, we ensured alignment between design and functionality, setting a strong foundation for development.

Adwords analysis of SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets
Landing page analysis tool for SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

The Solution

Utilizing the wireframes as a guide, we meticulously crafted a product roadmap, meticulously prioritizing feature sets. This strategic roadmap informed our development process, allowing us to focus on coding modular components of the PageZii app systematically.

Our aim was to swiftly iterate towards a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), emphasizing core functionalities essential for user engagement. By deploying the MVP, we aimed to garner invaluable feedback, iteratively refining the product until achieving the elusive Product-Market Fit, where PageZii seamlessly aligned with user needs and market demands.

Output of SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

Following the development of our MVP, we embarked on the next phase by launching the beta version on our website. This marked a pivotal moment as we opened the doors to user feedback and validation. Additionally, recognizing the diverse needs of our user base, we expanded our reach by developing a native iOS version of the app, ensuring accessibility across various platforms. Furthermore, we extended our ecosystem by crafting a WordPress plugin and Chrome extension, enhancing user convenience and integration with existing workflows. These initiatives broadened PageZii's footprint, solidifying its position as a versatile solution in the digital marketing landscape.

Sales Leaderboard for SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets
Achieved 370 monthly leads organically, without any marketing expenditure. Invested significant time and effort in refining the user signup process, employing tailored content, compelling messaging, and strategic prompts to guide users seamlessly through the journey.
CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) for SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets
We prioritized every detail, meticulously refining our UX, messaging, and conversion journey. These subtle enhancements maximized the potential of our product. 
Demo request lift for SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets
Respect your users as you would want to be respected. Our approach entails transparency; there are no gimmicks to secure demos or signups. Instead, we offer a straightforward conversion path with transparent messaging, ensuring users have clear expectations.  
Sneak peak of Tool for SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets
We crafted the login page to showcase a "sneak-peek" of the app in the background. Providing users with a glimpse of the app creates a sense of proximity to their goal, motivating them to convert. 

Pretty handy SEO tool

googleplaystore-user-saas-gtm-mvp-software-as-a-service-launch Chrome Web Store
Power User

Screenshots tour of SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

The Results

Following iterative development cycles, we introduced a beta trial of PageZii, marking a significant milestone in our journey. This beta product has been eagerly embraced by numerous marketing departments seeking to elevate their digital marketing endeavors.

Through hands-on usage, these departments are experiencing tangible benefits, leveraging PageZii's tools to refine and optimize their strategies effectively. The beta trial serves as a testament to PageZii's potential, showcasing its ability to empower marketers and drive impactful results in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • 370 new users per month

  • 2,800+ Lead Magnet downloads

  • 18% average app bounce rate

Logo of SaaS MVP where product market fit and GTM was performed for SaaS launch, user signups and lead magnets

Experience Highlights

  • Ideation
  • Branding
  • UX
  • Web development
  • Product management
  • Amazon web services
  • Software-as-a-service