Case Study


Launch | UX | Development
iOS mobile app MVP Launch for SMB market

Pre Launch Signups


visitors in first month

Star rating

Project Overview

SavvyBox is a startup easing the pain of email overload by prioritizing the inbox of corporate users. The startup needed a pre-launch buzz to generate beta signups.

ShoutEx Methodology

After consulting with the client to understand their potential user persona, precise requirements, and competitive environment, ShoutEx recommended a comprehensive three-pronged marketing strategy:

  1. Develop a Microsite and beta signup page.
  2. Craft a demo video illustrating the intended use case.
  3. Launch sponsored promotions across social media platforms to generate interest.

The Solution

Following brainstorming sessions and reviewing mockups and wireframes for the new micro website, the team opted for a straightforward WordPress platform emphasizing key messages. The outcome: a concise 4-page microsite, prominently featuring a clear call-to-action to register for the SavvyBox beta program.

Landing page to drive up user signups for MVP mobile app

A detailed storyboard was meticulously crafted for the short video. This storyboard encapsulated the essence of the client's vision, effectively translating their goals and aspirations into a visual narrative. Through collaborative efforts and attention to detail, the storyboard laid the foundation for a compelling and engaging video that resonated with the target audience.

Mockup of UX of mobile MVP app
Mockup of Go To Market mobile app strategy


Feature simplification of mobile app used for MVP product market fit test


To boost signups for the Beta, a multi-faceted promotional campaign was implemented. This included targeted email invitations tailored to specific user segments, strategically crafted social media promotions across platforms such as Google Search, Display, Twitter/X, and Facebook, as well as targeted advertisements.

These efforts were meticulously coordinated to maximize visibility and engagement, effectively reaching potential users across various channels. By leveraging a combination of email outreach, social media presence, and targeted ads, the campaign aimed to generate significant interest and drive conversions for the Beta program


MVP and GTM with Mobile App
Screenshot of MVP iOS mobile app

Fast execution with high quality web marketing.

dr-vircom-software-saas-montreal-quebec-digital-marketing-agencyDamien Rame
Head of Marketing, SavvyBox

The Results

The microsite effectively conveyed SavvyBox's benefits and facilitated beta signups. The high-quality video garnered thousands of views, attracting potential users. Furthermore, the promotional efforts generated buzz, press coverage, and increased beta signups, contributing to the overall success of the campaign.

  • 200+ pre launch signups

  • 6,000 visitors generated in first month

  • 4 star rating received for Beta App

LogoiOS mobile app MVP Launch for SMB market

Experience Highlights

  • Brand Development
  • Message Development
  • Web Development
  • Product Launch
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • ASO / App Store Listing
  • Beta Signups