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SaaS CRO Audit

Get your free CRO review for your SaaS app
  • Messaging 
  • UX and User Flow
  • Conversion Funnel
  • Campaign Effectiveness

Who is the Audit for?

Marketing Teams at Startups

The SaaS CRO marketing audit is an excellent choice for marketing teams at startups and SMBs. This audit uncovers discrepancies between marketing and sales, refines ad, social, and content campaigns, and ensures data accuracy. By tapping into our team's expert knowledge, you can boost lead generation, enhance customer engagement, and drive business growth, all while conserving time and resources. Our audit is an essential tool for improving your marketing strategies and reaching your business objectives.

A closer review of your SaaS CRO Audit

We audit your Conversion Rate Optimization efforts at your SaaS to analyze what's working well and what needs to improve.
Messaging for SaaS CRO audit


The site's messaging, encompassing pages and ads, is meticulously evaluated for content clarity, consistency, and alignment with the brand voice as part of the SaaS CRO audit. This involves ensuring that every piece of content communicates the intended message effectively, maintains a uniform tone, and reinforces the brand's identity. 

UX and User flow for SaaS CRO audit

UX and User flow

User experience evaluation emphasizes seamless website navigation, design responsiveness, and optimized conversion paths. This includes analyzing how easily users can find information, the site's performance across different devices, and the efficiency of the journey from visitor to customer. 

Conversion Funnel for SaaS CRO Aduit

Conversion Flow

In our SaaS CRO audit, conversion flow examines the steps users take from initial interaction to final conversion. This includes mapping user journeys, identifying friction points, and optimizing pathways to enhance UX, streamline navigation, and CTAs.

Campaign Effectiveness in SaaS CRO Audit

Campaign Effectiveness

KPIs are evaluated against industry benchmarks by analyzing marketing asset performance, monitoring customer journey paths, and measuring ROI. This comprehensive assessment helps identify areas for improvement, optimize strategies, and ensure that marketing efforts align with business objectives and deliver maximum impact.

Landing pages that Convert

Conversion Rate Optimization leads to higher conversion at lower CAC

Message Continuity
Our SaaS CRO audit ensures your message is connected through out the various touch points with the user, from Ad to Landing page to CTA and any follow up emails.  

Landing Page Optimization
We check to see how well your landing pages perform and advice on how to improve hero banners, Call-to-Actions and hooking points to improve conversion rates. 

Call to Action Intent matching
Through A/B split testing we can find out which CTA perform the best and help lower cost-of-customer acquisition for your SaaS tool. 


About ShoutEx

ShoutEx has been providing key marketing services to tech-based Startups and Enterprises alike. Our marketing has generated over $250 million in revenue for our clients (e.g. Nokia, Alcatel, Netcomm, Visma, etc.)



Zaki Usman

B.Sc Eng (Mech) and MBA
Zaki brings years of director-level experience in digital marketing of SaaS and tech products.


Theo Korstanje

Theo is our marketing specialist proficient in Google Ads, SEO and Social media


Colleen Webber

Colleen is the content strategist who handles messaging and content creation.


Heli Malvaniya

B.Sc (Computer Science)
Heli is our front-end developer who turns designs into code and dabbles in PHP/Python.

Talk to our Team

Let's chat about Conversion Rate Optimization for your SaaS

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a SaaS CRO audit?

A SaaS CRO audit is a comprehensive analysis of your software-as-a-service website and user experience to identify areas for improvement in conversion rates. The audit evaluates user behavior, website performance, and conversion funnels to uncover bottlenecks and opportunities for enhancing customer acquisition and retention. This process helps to optimize the overall user journey and increase the percentage of visitors who take desired actions, such as signing up for a trial or purchasing a subscription.

Why is a CRO audit important for my SaaS business?

A CRO audit is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and improving your return on investment (ROI). By identifying and addressing issues that prevent users from converting, you can significantly increase your conversion rates without necessarily increasing your traffic. This leads to higher revenue, better user satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, a well-optimized conversion funnel can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, informing future product and marketing strategies.

What can I expect from a CRO audit process?

During a CRO audit, our experts will analyze various aspects of your SaaS website, including user interface design, content effectiveness, technical performance, and user behavior data. This involves reviewing your analytics, conducting user testing, and evaluating the overall user experience. The process culminates in a detailed report outlining the findings, along with actionable recommendations to improve your conversion rates. You will receive a prioritized list of changes and optimizations tailored to your specific business goals and target audience.

How long does a typical CRO audit take?

The duration of a CRO audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of your SaaS platform. Generally, a thorough audit can take anywhere from two to six weeks. This timeframe includes the initial analysis, data collection, user testing, and the development of a comprehensive report with recommendations. We strive to balance thoroughness with efficiency, ensuring you receive valuable insights and actionable strategies within a reasonable timeframe.

What kind of results can I expect after implementing CRO audit recommendations?

While results can vary based on the specific changes implemented and the nature of your business, many clients see significant improvements in their conversion rates, user engagement, and overall customer satisfaction. By addressing key pain points and optimizing the user experience, you can expect to see increased trial sign-ups, higher subscription rates, and ultimately, greater revenue growth. Our team will also provide ongoing support to help you track progress and make any necessary adjustments.

How do I get started with a SaaS CRO audit?

Contact us through the form above to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your business goals, current challenges, and specific areas of concern. Based on this information, we will outline a customized audit plan tailored to your needs. Once you approve the plan, our team will begin the audit process, keeping you informed at every stage and ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

A track-record of success

What Our Clients Are Saying

Marketing that wins Awards!

ShoutEx isn't like any other digital marketing agencies - they go above and beyond what is required. ShoutEx delivered on their promise and gave us real results.


Els Baert
Director of Marketing - NetComm Wireless

A clean, professional brand refresh and new design

Shoutex provided the Telecoms Industry Dialogue with fast and exceptional quality brand services and Web site design.


Christine Diamente
TID Chair and Alcatel-Lucent

Website and Web app UX

ShoutEx delivered amazing design services and helped improve the user experience of our web application.


Slaven Vlacic
Senior IT Manager, NJI

Lead Magnets Galore

Fast execution with high quality web marketing.


Damien Rame
Head of Marketing, Vircom

Marketing Creativity on demand

ShoutEx shows great marketing creativity and insight


Victor Cruz
Founder at MediaPR

Marketing deliver and execution

A knack for taking core messaging and making it actionable. Solid execution


Scott Anzel
CEO - MDConnectME

Enterprise Level Marketing

Took us to another level in digital promotion and search engine marketing.


Heather Ritchie
VP Marketing, Nokia

Digital Marketing for MicroERP

They grasped our brand and created a rich animated message with a strong call-to-action


James Casserly
CEO - ManuOnline

Kickstarting SaaS signups

Creative lead-generation combined with impressive results.


Ari Pekka Salovara
CEO - Severa