Case Study

Alcatel-Lucent Railways

Lead Magnets | Demand Gen | ABM

Targeted Accounts


Unique visits

Leads generated

Project Overview

Alcatel-Lucent Railways delivers cutting-edge telecommunications solutions across all sectors of the railway industry. To showcase their industry-leading capabilities, they aimed to promote a compelling customer success story.

This narrative would emphasize the effectiveness and superiority of Alcatel-Lucent’s railway solutions, positioning them as the premier choice in the industry. By highlighting a real-world example of their solutions in action, they intended to demonstrate their unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence, thereby reinforcing their reputation and attracting new clients seeking reliable and innovative railway telecommunications services.


ShoutEx Methodology

In close partnership with the client, ShoutEx devised a marketing strategy focused on maximizing return on investment (ROI) to achieve high conversion rates for marketing materials. Leveraging detailed audience targeting, 



The Solution

ShoutEx effectively delivered exceptional click-through rates through LinkedIn sponsored updates. This strategic approach not only enhanced the visibility and impact of the marketing collaterals but also ensured that the content reached the most relevant audience. As a result, the campaign achieved outstanding engagement metrics, demonstrating ShoutEx's expertise in creating and executing ROI-driven marketing strategies that drive measurable success and deliver significant value to their clients.


The Results

The Railway Case Study Marketing campaign achieved remarkable success. Our meticulous monitoring and optimization of LinkedIn campaigns resulted in exceptionally high conversion rates. By continuously analyzing performance data and making strategic adjustments, we ensured the campaign's effectiveness and reach.

This rigorous approach not only maximized engagement but also demonstrated our ability to deliver outstanding results through targeted, data-driven marketing strategies. The success of this campaign highlights our expertise in achieving significant outcomes for our clients.

  • 30 Account Targeted 

  • 6,200 Visits generated

  • 145 Leads generated

ABM Rail Enterprise Digital marketing success

Experience Highlights

  • Brand development
  • User experience design
  • Wire framing
  • Mobile market research
  • Product management
  • iOS development
  • Product launch