Case Study


Mobile | Brand | UX
InterQ - MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

Real job interviews

mins saved


positive experience

Project Overview

InterQ is a mobile app that helps break the ice between job applicants and recruiters.

The goal of the project was to convert the InterQ idea into a minimal viable product available for download from the App store.

ShoutEx Methodology

We started with the InterQ mind map and built a business case around it. This included looking at the user types, supported devices, testing style and code base, amongst several other factors.

Mindmap of MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

The Solution

With a solidified understanding of InterQ, we started developing user flows with a wireframe prototype.

UX of MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

At the same, we started to nail down the visual identity and brand of InterQ. Through an organized iterative process, we reached our final winning design.

Logo iteration of Mindmap of MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

The minimalist, modern look of InterQ was then translated into the App and captured in the Website.

Mobile App Screenshot of Mindmap of MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview
Homepage of Mindmap of MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

The Results

Once the Beta product was released, extensive usability testing through interviews was conducted. This helped refine the user experience to deliver a beautiful product.

  • +250  job interviews conducted

  • 2.5 min saved on average for every 15 min  interview

  • 89% interviewees had a positive impression of the process

Where are we now

Further development

After extensive use and detailed feedback from our user base, we have decided to go back to the drawing board. We are currently redeveloping our Beta product to include more features to be used by the recruiter/interviewer. Stay tuned for updates on the app. 
Logo InterQ - MVP mobile app for recruitment and interview

Experience Highlights

  • Ideation
  • Brand development
  • Visual identity creation
  • UX
  • Business development
  • iOS development
  • Mobile apps