Case Study


Brand | UX | Mobile Development
Omerus Omerus - MVP iPad calculator with built in hand gesture UX

avg Install rate


Conversion rate

min Avg Session

Project Overview

OMERUS is a simple calculator app designed for the iPad. Our mission was to convert the OMERUS concept into an intuitive business tool available for download at the App store.

Apple's iOS ecosystem lacks a native iPad calculator app, leaving users to seek third-party solutions. OMERUS fills this void, offering a tailored experience designed specifically for the iPad's larger screen and productivity needs.

ShoutEx Methodology

Our journey began with an extensive discovery phase, delving deep into understanding the intricacies of the project.

Through thorough stakeholder interviews, we gained valuable insights into how everyday users would perform calculations on the iPad. 

Concurrently, we meticulously reviewed peer sites, examining industry standards and best practices to glean inspiration and identify potential differentiators.

This holistic approach not only defined our target audience but also provided invaluable insights into their motivations, pain points, and aspirations, laying a solid foundation for crafting a tailored and impactful application experience.

User experience development of Omerus MVP iOS app for product launch
UX enhancement of iOS mobile app for GTM strategy

The Solution

Following thorough research and strategic analysis, our roadmap crystallized into a focused strategy: develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of OMERUS, release it on the App Store, and iterate based on market feedback to achieve product-market fit. Our initial priority centered on establishing the OMERUS brand identity, anchored in the principles of simplicity, clarity, and conciseness.

Through immersive branding workshops, we meticulously honed the visual elements of OMERUS, distilling its essence into a refined and cohesive identity. The culmination of these efforts is a strikingly streamlined, contemporary, and minimalist aesthetic that embodies the core values and vision of the app, setting the stage for a compelling user experience.

Logo development for product MVP launch of iOS app
UX screen showcasing iOS app for MVP development
Screen of iOS mobile app for Product Market Fit

Extensive exploration into human interaction design and gesture detection techniques culminated in the development of an exceptionally user-friendly interface for OMERUS. Through meticulous research and iterative testing, we crafted an interface that seamlessly blends simplicity with sophistication, enabling users to effortlessly navigate and execute complex calculations.

Intuitive gesture controls empower users to interact with the app naturally, enhancing the overall user experience and minimizing the learning curve. This thoughtful approach not only prioritizes usability but also ensures that even intricate calculations can be performed with ease and precision, making OMERUS a trusted companion for users seeking efficiency and convenience in their daily tasks.

The app is simple to use and offers a good alternative calculator.

app-storeux-brand-dev-ipad-mvp-product-market-fit-ux-design-calculation-ios-development-mobile-appOnline Review
App Store

The Results

Through rigorous testing and invaluable feedback from our beta testers, we identified areas for improvement and fine-tuned numerous UX designs. 

As a result, OMERUS emerged as one of the most innovative yet simple business calculator apps available on the App Store.

  • 5% avg install rate

  • 4% conversion rate

  • 1  min avg. session length

Logo of Omerus MVP iOS app for product launch, and product market fit

Experience Highlights

  • Brand development
  • Logo design
  • User experience design
  • Wire framing
  • Mobile market research
  • Product development
  • Product management
  • Product commercialization
  • iOS development