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Founder-Led Sales Closing tips

10 Sales Closing tips for Founder Led Sales

If you're the founder handling sales at your early-stage startup, you're leading a Founder-Led Sales startup.

This approach is common in SaaS startups, where the founder often knows the product and market better than anyone else.

However, this doesn't mean the founder is naturally the best at sales. Let's explore some quick tips to enhance your sales process.

A Crash course on Founder-Led Sales

Closing deals is the lifeblood of any SaaS startup. It boils down to what you do and how often you do it. Here are 10 practical tips that will help you close more SaaS sales and scale your startup faster.

Founder Led Sales Tip #1: Get the Prospect Talking

Data shows that the more a prospect talks during a sales call, the higher the likelihood of closing the deal. Ask open-ended questions about their challenges and let them do most of the talking. The more they share, the more invested they become.

Founder Led Sales Tip #2: Listen More, Talk Less

It’s tempting to talk about your SaaS product’s features, but resist the urge. The less you talk, the more effective you are. Focus on understanding the prospect’s needs rather than showcasing your product’s capabilities.

Founder Led Sales Tip #3: Quit Pitching, Start Engaging

Pitching is outdated. Instead of delivering a rehearsed pitch, engage your prospect in a meaningful conversation. Understand their challenges and tailor your solution to address those pain points.

Founder Led Sales Tip #4: Dig Deep into Their Challenges

Understanding the root of your prospect’s challenges is crucial. For instance, if a SaaS company is struggling to scale, dig deeper to find out why. Are they lacking an effective marketing strategy or experiencing operational bottlenecks? The deeper you go, the better you can position your solution.

Founder Led Sales Tip #5: Disqualify Non-Fits Early

Not every prospect is a fit for your SaaS product. The sooner you disqualify those who aren’t, the more time you’ll have to focus on high-potential leads. Spend your time where it matters most.

Founder Led Sales Tip #6: Understand Their Upside

Help your prospect visualize the upside of using your SaaS solution. For example, if implementing your software could increase their revenue by even $100K, get them to acknowledge that potential gain.

Founder Led Sales Tip #7: Don't Talk Money

Don’t rush into price discussions. Top sales performers establish a budget later in the conversation, after building value and understanding the prospect’s needs. This approach leads to better outcomes and higher close rates.

Founder Led Sales Tip #8: Know Their Buying Process

Understanding your prospect’s buying process is critical, especially in B2B SaaS sales. Who are the decision-makers? What steps do they take to make a purchase decision? The more you know, the better you can navigate the process.

Founder Led Sales Tip #9: Apply The 60-Second Rule

During presentations, re-engage your prospect every 60 seconds. Ask questions, seek confirmation, and ensure they’re actively participating in the conversation.

Founder Led Sales Tip #10: Stop Closing, Start Helping

Traditional closing techniques are outdated. Instead of pushing for a close, focus on helping your prospect throughout the discovery and presentation phase. If you’ve done your job well, the close will happen naturally.

End a sales call with a clear and scheduled next step. If your prospect is unwilling to schedule the next step, it might be a sign they’re not serious about moving forward.

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Not every prospect will close, and that’s okay. Don’t get discouraged. Keep moving forward and focus on the next opportunity. Remember, in Founder-Led Sales, it’s not just about selling a product; it’s about providing a solution that drives real value for your customers and inherently your company.

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