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Best SaaS Pricing Page with Examples

Best SaaS Pricing Page with Examples

One of the most critical elements for your SaaS business is the Pricing page. Get this part wrong, and it doesn't matter how great your product is—people won't sign up.

What makes the Best SaaS Pricing Page?

A stellar SaaS pricing page does more than just show costs; it must demonstrate the value users will get. It should also enable effective comparison between different tiers.

TLDR: Best SaaS Pricing Page with Examples
SaaS CRO is an art form. Best to Understand customer behavior and use psychological tricks to boost conversions.
  1. Leverage Credibility: Showcase logos of trusted clients to build trust, even if they aren’t big names.

  2. Keep It Clear and Uncluttered: Use ample white space and clear titles to highlight your value proposition, like Calendly’s direct messaging.

  3. Highlight Popular Choices: Use contrasting colors and labels like "Popular" to draw attention to recommended plans, similar to Zoom’s approach.

  4. Use Effective Color Theory: Utilize high contrast colors to guide users' attention to important actions.

  5. Simplify Comparison: Create easy-to-scan comparison tables to help users understand the differences between plans, as seen on Mailchimp and Zendesk.

  6. Include Tooltips for Clarity: Add tooltips for complex features to keep the page clean while providing necessary information, like FreshBooks.

  7. Build Credibility with Testimonials and FAQs: Use testimonials with photos and job titles, and include FAQs to address common questions efficiently.

  8. Chat Window: Adding a chat on the pricing page helps add the "human-element" and guide on-the-fence users through the decision.


 “You know you’re priced right when your customers complain—but buy anyway.”

— John Harrison

At ShoutEx, we’ve worked with multiple SaaS companies, helping them optimize their pricing pages to boost conversion rates.

Here’s a checklist of seven items to implement on your pricing page, potentially doubling your conversion rates.

1. Leverage Credibility

Use logos of trusted companies to build credibility. Not everyone has big names like Notion, but every company has clients worth showcasing. Highlighting industry-specific clients can help attract similar businesses.

Pro Tip: Featuring client logos on your pricing page can boost conversions by 50%, enhancing credibility and trust. This strategy leverages social proof to attract and reassure potential customers.

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2. Keep It Clear and Uncluttered

Use lots of white space to draw attention to key elements. Start with a big opening title that states your value proposition clearly. For example, Calendly’s "Schedule meetings without the back-and-forth emails" is direct and compelling.

3. Highlight Popular Choices

Draw attention to your most recommended plan with contrasting colors and labels like "Popular." Zoom does this with a contrasting button and a label that makes the choice obvious for users.

Pro Tip: Highlighting popular choices on your pricing page can significantly improve conversions. Utilizing tactics like Decoy, Center-stage, and Anchor pricing can drive decision-making. The Decoy Effect, where a higher-priced option makes a mid-tier option look more appealing, can increase sales by up to 27%. Center-stage placement, the tendency for customers to choose the middle option, boosts preference by 9%. Anchor pricing, displaying a higher price first, can lead to a 39% increase in average sales. Use these strategies to guide customer choices and maximize revenue.

4. Use Effective Color Theory

Colors guide the user's eye. High contrast options, like black to grey, make certain elements stand out. Use this to highlight the most important actions you want users to take.

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5. Simplify Comparison

Break down features into digestible, individual sections. Mailchimp and Zendesk use clear comparison tables that are easy to scan, helping users quickly understand the differences between tiers.

6. Include Tooltips for Clarity

Provide tooltips for any potentially confusing features. This keeps the page clean while giving users the information they need when they need it. FreshBooks excels at this, allowing users to hover over items for more details.

7. Build Credibility with Testimonials and FAQs

Use testimonials with photos, job titles, and company names to build trust. FAQs are also crucial, helping answer common questions without cluttering the page. Ensure they are clickable to save space and maintain clarity.

Pro Tip: Featuring user testimonials and client logos on your pricing page can boost conversions by up to 34%. Studies show 92% of customers read reviews before making a purchase, and social proof from recognizable brands builds trust, reducing the decision-making process and increasing sales.

8. Add a Chat Window pop-up

By offering immediate, personalized support, a chat popup minimizes friction in the decision-making process, thereby enhancing user experience and driving higher conversion rates. The only caveat is that you need to have a human managing it.

Case Studies of SaaS Pricing Pages

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Example Best SaaS Pricing Page: Calendly: Calendly’s pricing page excels with its clear layout, package placement, simple descriptions and highlighting their recommended tier. This works well when you've a simple product offering, like Calendly. Notice they offer Annual billing discounts - rather get the money upfront now, then over 12 month chunks. 

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Example Best SaaS Pricing Page: Zoom:  Zoom’s pricing page is a masterclass in hiding complexity and presenting a straightforward plan. They hide the complexity with drop downs that are user initiated. This way the user can control the parameters better without getting overwhelmed.

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Example Best SaaS Pricing Page: Pipedrive: Pipedrive keeps it simple and follows the pricing manual down to a T. They highlight the preferred plan with a high contrast button and use two qualifiers - Most Popular vs Best Value. They top it off with the "Chat" window. You'd be surprised how many people want a simple reassurance before clicking on buy.

The method behind the Best SaaS Pricing Page

Implement these strategies to transform your pricing page into a high-converting powerhouse. Clear layouts, effective use of color, and credibility building are just a few tactics that can make a significant difference.

Remember, if a user reaches the bottom of the page and hasn’t committed, offer them an alternative like a demo or a free trial.

Keep boosting those conversions!

FYI on SaaS Pricing Page

Frequently Asked Questions

What should a SaaS pricing page do?

A SaaS pricing page should effectively communicate the value of your product while guiding potential customers toward making a purchase decision. It should be clear, concise, and visually appealing, offering tiered pricing options that cater to different customer segments.

Each tier should highlight key features and benefits, helping users understand what they get at each price point. Including user testimonials and client logos can build trust and credibility, significantly boosting conversions.

Additionally, transparent pricing with no hidden fees fosters trust and reduces friction in the decision-making process. Integrating FAQs, case studies, and comparison charts can further assist in addressing potential objections and questions.

Lastly, ensuring the page is optimized for SEO can drive organic traffic, while A/B testing different elements can help refine and improve the page's effectiveness over time.

Does pricing play a role in Product-Led Growth?

Pricing is crucial in PLG -  directly impacts user acquisition, retention, and expansion. In a PLG model, the product itself is the primary driver of growth, meaning that the pricing strategy must encourage users to try the product with minimal friction.

Freemium models or free trials can be effective, allowing users to experience the product's value before committing financially. Clear, transparent pricing helps build trust and reduces barriers to entry. Additionally, pricing should be scalable, aligning with the customer's growth and usage. As users see value and expand their usage, the pricing should reflect this increased value, facilitating upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

Effective pricing in PLG can drive viral growth through user advocacy, where satisfied users share their positive experiences, leading to organic growth and a more extensive user base.

How important is pricing in Sales-Led Growth?

Pricing plays a pivotal role in attracting and converting high-value customers in a SLG model. Pricing must align with the perceived value of the product, catering to the specific needs and budgets of target customers.

A well-defined pricing structure can aid sales teams in articulating the product's value proposition, making it easier to justify the cost to potential customers. Customizable pricing plans or enterprise-level pricing can be beneficial, allowing flexibility to cater to larger clients with unique requirements.

Additionally, offering discounts, bundled packages, or tiered pricing can create a sense of urgency and incentivize purchases. Clear and transparent pricing helps in building trust and credibility, reducing negotiation friction. Ultimately, effective pricing in SLG can significantly impact revenue growth, customer acquisition, and long-term customer relationships.

How do I price my SaaS?

It's not just about getting the SaaS Pricing page right. You need to determine the actual pricing for your SaaS product. Start by understanding your target market and their willingness to pay. Conduct market research, surveys, and interviews to gather insights into what potential customers value most about your product.

Analyze your costs, including development, marketing, and support, to ensure your pricing covers expenses while providing a profit margin. Study your competitors' pricing strategies to identify industry standards and opportunities for differentiation. Consider offering tiered pricing plans to cater to different customer segments, each with varying levels of features and benefits.

Utilize value-based pricing, where the price reflects the perceived value to the customer, rather than just the cost-plus model. Regularly review and adjust your pricing based on market trends, customer feedback, and business growth. A/B testing different pricing models can also provide valuable insights into what resonates best with your audience.

Do I need to match my competitors' pricing?

Matching your competitors' pricing isn't always necessary or advisable on your SaaS Pricing page. Instead, focus on differentiating your product and highlighting its unique value proposition. While it's essential to be aware of industry pricing standards, undercutting or matching competitors can lead to a race to the bottom, eroding profit margins.

Instead, emphasize the unique features, benefits, and superior customer support your product offers. If your product provides higher value or better outcomes, you can justify a premium price. Conduct thorough market research to understand your customers' willingness to pay and their perception of value. Consider offering tiered pricing plans to cater to different segments and budgets.

Your pricing strategy should align with your overall business goals, brand positioning, and long-term growth objectives. Ultimately, customers are willing to pay more for a product that meets their needs and delivers exceptional value, even if it's priced higher than competitors.

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