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Apple Search Ads Tutorial

Apple Search Ads Tutorial

What are Apple Search Ads?

Apple launched Apple Search Ads almost 10 years ago to help advertisers promote their apps within the App Store search results.

When users search for specific keywords, like "fitness tracker," they'll see relevant ads for apps that match that keyword. For instance, if you're searching for an app to manage your workouts, you might type "workout planner" in the search bar and see a list of relevant apps. The first ads that appear are Apple Search Ads.

Unlike display ads, Apple Search Ads are more subtle because users engage with them on their own terms, creating a native user experience.

So Apple Search ads provide a decent way to get users to try your mobile app. As a long term strategy, Apple Search ads may not be sustainable, but it's a good way to start your mobile launch. With that said, lets dive into the details of this Apple Search Ads tutorial.

Why Use Apple Search Ads?

  1. Brand Protection: With millions of apps in the App Store, Apple Search Ads allow advertisers to bid on their company’s name, ensuring competitors don’t capture their potential users.

  2. User Growth: Apple Search Ads provide access to a new user base beyond traditional channels like SDK networks and social media. These ads reach all Apple product users, not just iPhone users.

  3. High-Intent Users: Users searching for specific apps are highly motivated and more likely to stick around if the app fits their needs.

Apple Search Ads: Basic vs. Advanced

One of the first decisions you’ll make is whether to run a Basic or Advanced campaign. Lets discuss the implications as part of this Apple Search Ads tutorial.

  • Apple Search Ads Basic: Runs on a cost-per-install (CPI) model. Apple’s AI handles keyword selection and targeting, making it a hands-off but less scalable option.

  • Apple Search Ads Advanced: Offers full control over your campaigns, including keyword selection, ad group definitions, and visual updates. It runs on a cost-per-tap (CPT) model, similar to cost-per-click, and allows for greater adaptability and scalability.

Structuring an Advanced Campaign

Advanced campaigns are divided into three tiers: campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. Lets explore what these are below.

  1. Campaign Types:

    • Brand Campaigns: Protect your brand by bidding on keywords related to your brand name.
    • Generic Campaigns: Bid on general keywords related to your app's genre or topic. For example, if your app helps with meal planning, you might bid on keywords like "meal prep" or "healthy recipes."
    • Competitor Campaigns: Bid on competitors' names or keywords they are bidding on to capture their potential users.
    • Discovery Campaigns: Use search match (automated keyword bidding) or broad match (bidding on related keywords).

  2. Ad Groups: Control audience, max bid, and keywords within each campaign.

    • Audience Targeting: Define by location, age, gender, user, and device type.
    • Max Bid: Set the highest amount you're willing to spend on an ad group.
    • Keywords: Choose exact match (specific keywords) or broad match (related keywords).

Search Tab Campaigns

Apple's latest offering, Search Tab campaigns, suggests your ad before a user even searches for it. These ads run in any country where Apple Search Ads are available and operate on a CPT model.

Analyzing Campaign Performance

Tracking the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Apple Search Ads is essential for measuring and improving campaign success. As part of this Apple Search Ads tutorial, lets cover some of the crucial KPIs to monitor:

  1. Impressions: High impressions indicate good visibility, but ensure it's targeted.
  2. Taps: High taps show that your ad is compelling and relevant.
  3. Tap-Through Rate (TTR): A low TTR may suggest your ad copy or visuals need improvement.
  4. Cost Per Tap (CPT): Monitor to ensure you’re not overpaying for taps. High CPT might mean highly competitive keywords.
  5. Conversion Rate: Low conversion rates suggest issues with your app store page or onboarding process.
  6. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Ensure CPA is low to maintain cost-effectiveness. High CPA could mean targeting needs refinement.
  7. Impressions Share: Low share might mean you need to increase your bid or budget.
  8. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Ensure ROAS is above 1 for profitability.
  9. Keywords Performance: Optimize keyword strategy based on which keywords drive the most taps and conversions.

The Apple Search Ads platform provides campaign-level reports where you can analyze metrics like CPI, cost per achievement, impressions, CPT, and more. But while analyzing those, keep these points in mind:

  • Align Metrics with Goals: Ensure your KPIs align with your business goals.

  • Regular Optimization: Continuously analyze and optimize your ads based on KPI data.

  • Budget Management: Allocate funds to high-performing campaigns and keywords.

For more details on tracking and optimizing these KPIs, visit the Apple Search Ads Help Center.

Should you ASO if you already do Apple Search Ads?

If you're already investing in Apple Search Ads, you might wonder if App Store Optimization (ASO) is still necessary. The short answer is: absolutely.

This Apple Search Ads tutorial wouldn't be complete if we don't explain why you should combine both strategies for maximum impact.

  • Enhanced Visibility: While Apple Search Ads put your app at the top of search results, ASO helps improve your organic ranking. Better organic visibility means more users discover your app without you having to pay for every click.
  • Improved Ad Performance: A well-optimized app store page enhances the effectiveness of your ads. When users click on your ad and land on a polished, compelling page, they're more likely to download your app. This boosts your conversion rate and maximizes your ad spend.
  • Cost Efficiency: Good ASO can lower your cost per acquisition (CPA). As your app's organic ranking improves, you rely less on paid ads for visibility, leading to reduced advertising costs over time.
  • Long-Term Benefits: ASO provides lasting benefits. Once your app achieves a high organic ranking, it continues to attract users without ongoing costs. This creates a sustainable growth model, unlike ads, which require continuous investment.
  • Complementary Insights: Data from your Apple Search Ads can inform your ASO strategy. Analyzing which keywords and creatives perform best in ads can help you optimize your app store listing for those terms, creating a cohesive and effective approach.

While Apple Search Ads can drive immediate results, combining them with a strong ASO strategy offers both short-term gains and long-term growth. By enhancing visibility, improving ad performance, reducing costs, and providing lasting benefits, ASO complements your advertising efforts and helps you get the most out of your marketing budget.

What Pitfalls to Avoid When Creating Apple Search Ads

Creating Apple Search Ads can give your app a big boost in visibility, but to get the best results, you need to avoid some common mistakes. As part of the Apple Search Ads tutorial, lets look at the key pitfalls to avoid.

  • Using Broad Keywords: Avoid broad keywords that bring in irrelevant traffic. Focus on specific, long-tail keywords that match what your target audience is searching for.
  • Neglecting Negative Keywords: Don't forget to use negative keywords. They help you exclude terms that don’t fit your app, making sure your ads reach the right people.
  • Ignoring Ad Relevance: Make sure your ad copy is relevant and compelling. Generic ads won’t catch anyone’s attention. Tailor your message to address your potential users’ needs directly.
  • Poor Landing Page Experience: If your app store page isn’t optimized, you’ll lose potential downloads. Ensure your landing page is user-friendly, informative, and designed to convert visitors into users.
  • Not Tracking Performance: You can’t measure success without proper tracking. Set up conversion tracking to monitor important metrics like CPI, CPT, and user engagement.

Apple Search Ads with ShoutEx

Apple Search Ads provide a good way to attract the right users for your mobile app, but is probably unfeasible as a primary growth driver in the long run. 

If you have any questions about Apple Search Ads, then reach out to our team at ShoutEx.

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