
Posts Tagged ‘Ads’

Each year YouTube audiences are presented with video ads varying from blowout sales on brand new mattresses to the webs most popular brain training programs. What makes us explore these offerings that seem to be tailored to our personal preferences? Although I can’t say every single video ad that I’m exposed to sparks an interest and makes me click, I generally tend to look into an ad that has been delivered to me based on what I have searching for the previous day. Such is the beauty of Google Targeted Ads hard at work!

I’ve often gone through the effort of making creative ads for print advertising. Some worked – some didn’t. Sometimes it was the medium (Trade magazine, newspaper) that wasn’t the proper fit. But more often than not, it was the ad itself. I’ve found through experience that even if you have the best marketing hook, you need to take care of simple “mechanics’ to get the most bang out of it. I’m including some of these for you to think about when designing your next creative ad.

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